Run fast. Stay Healthy. Have Fun.

Janglers are the first hand-held running aid that teaches athletes – in real time – to run faster and avoid injury.

… You see a pair of yellow balls, we see opportunity

… You see a pair of yellow balls, we see opportunity

Janglers empower athletes to practice proper running form, propelling them forward in their health and performance goals.

Based on the concept of centripetal force, Janglers recruit your upper body to help power your run. As you engage your arms, you create forward momentum that encourages a longer, smoother stride and lessens the impact on your lower body.

“Though they be but little, they are fierce” – not W. Shakespeare

Sunset on track


With benefits like these, you won’t mind your neighbor asking you why you run with tennis balls.

Impressive tool at an even more impressive price

Feel the difference for less than a 5K entry fee

Real results, in real time

GoJanglers provide immediate, ongoing feedback on your form throughout your run, so you can have a powerful, dynamic, and sustainable experience your first time out the door

Simple, no-fuss training aid that you can grab and go

Bring a pair anywhere and everywhere your running adventures take you

Wanna know more about how these work?

Feeling The Love From Happy Runners

“When I began using Janglers, I found my speed was increasing with each run. The Janglers forced my upper body into a forward lean that created more speed and tenacity while running.  The energy generated from the Janglers increased my momentum and my legs followed the rhythm.”

Feeling The Love From Happy Runners

“I began using my Janglers shortly after I had labrum surgery on my shoulder. I wanted to get back on my feet and the Janglers were an incredible tool in strengthening and rehabing my shoulder post surgery. The Janglers were extremely effective in shoulder stabilization strengthening while I was running. Not only was able to get back into shape during my runs, but I was simultaneously regaining strength and stability in my shoulder too!”

Feeling The Love From Happy Runners

“The first thing I noticed who the forward momentum and how in-sync my stride was. But, what was most impressive was how much less impact I felt on my hips and lower body given my upper body was engaged. I thought I was done running around 20 weeks pregnant and these saw me through until almost 30 weeks pregnant!”

Feeling The Love From Happy Runners

“I found the Janglers to especially effective when attacking hills.   I would create a rhythm with Janglers which allowed to me to attack hills with increased energy and momentum. Once in rhythm, it was easier to lose myself in the action of running and keeping the Janglers in unison, rather than focus on the pain of the climbs.”

Feeling The Love From Happy Runners

“I use mine for every short run (under 10km) so on average have probably used them once a week since they arrived! I find they’ve helped fantastically transitioning to a midfoot strike as they really make me think about my posture and foot strike – if the entire chain isn’t in sync they make you feel it so you naturally move towards a more fluid running style.”

Feeling The Love From Happy Runners

“The Janglers are a great way to strength train upper body power for running.  I have enjoyed using them to focus on good form during hilly trail runs that require momentum to carry speed on the downhills and power up the uphills.  Thanks Andrew.”

Feeling The Love From Happy Runners

“I Love my Janglers!  They really helped to strengthen my core and improve my form as I trained for the Chicago Marathon.  It’s amazing how much these uniquely designed little balls help with creating proprioceptive awareness.  I highly recommend Janglers for all levels of runners.”

Steeplechase running

Are you ready to run fun?

Then get a move on it.

Janglers and Shoes

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