
… You see a pair of yellow balls, we see opportunity

… You see a pair of yellow balls, we see opportunity

Running with husky

Does your Garmin tell you you’re getting slower? Are your knees telling you to take up aqua jogging?

If you haven’t run with Janglers, you haven’t had your best run yet.

Good runs are like duct tape - they fix everything.

Janglers are a lot like that, too.
They engage the appropriate muscles at the appropriate time to create a synced-up stride that is more comfortable and more powerful.

So, how exactly do they work?

Well, it starts with the ball inside the ball…

As you run with Janglers, a smaller steel ball located inside the Jangler produces energy that propels you forward. On your downswing, you are investing energy in your stride. On your upswing, that same energy is returned as forward momentum which pulls your body up and forward. This forward momentum also shifts your center of mass slightly forward, promoting a foot strike forward of the heel.

The results?

Not only does this motion create a driving force to increase speed, but it softens the impact as your foot hits the ground and minimizes wear and tear throughout the entire musculoskeletal system.

Jangler Runner Benefits

So Simple

Can go anywhere, and everywhere, your running adventures take you

Require no set-up, software, or charging - #lowmaintenance


Can be easily used to enhance your cross-training, if you are in to that sort of thing

Super Effective

Promotes injury prevention by encouraging proper form, so you can keep chasing those PRs for years to come

Softens the impact of running by recruiting upper body strength, alleviating that ganky post-run limp


Provides immediate and ongoing feedback that actually changes your stride throughout your run, making your data-worshipping buddies jealous

Creates a fluid and mindful running experience, so you come back zen - Oommmm

Very Affordable

Enhances performance at a fraction of the price of high-tech wearables or a personal running coach - plus, it doubles as a toddler or pet toy

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